1. Epson Pano Awards - Silver Awards for Amateur - Built Environment Placed in 29 out of top 50
2. IPA Honorable Mention in Architectural Bridge
3. PX3 - Various Honorable Mentions
4. TIFA Non-Pro Gold Winner - Architectural Bridge & Honorable Mentions
5. Minimalist Photography Awards 2024 - Honorable Mention in Abstract
1. Epson Pano Awards Placed in No. 30th & No. 58 Bronze Awards for Amateur - Built Environment
2. IPA 3rd Place in Non-professional Architecture - Bridges and Honorable Mention in Architectural Other
3. PX3 - Silver in Architecure/Cityscape, Silver in Architecture Historic, HM in Fine Art/Architecture
4. Minimalist Photography Awards 2023 - Honorable Mention in Fine Art
5. Black & White Spider Awards 18th - Honorable Mention in Architectural
6. ND Awards 2023 - Honorable Mentions in Architectural Bridges, Cityscape & Fine Art
7. reFocus Award 2023 - Gold in Non-Pro Minimalism
1. PX3 - Bronze in Architecture/Historic, Bronze in Fine Art/Other
2. IPA Honorable Mention for Non-professional Fine Art - Minimalism, and Special Panoramic
3. ND Awards Honorable Mention for Special/Long Exposure, and Special-Panoramic
4. Minimalist Photography Awards 2022- Honorable Mention in Fine Art
1. Architecture Masterprize Non-Pro Winner for Exterior Architecture Photography
2. IPA Honorable Mention for Non-professional Architecture - Buildings
3. ND Awards Honorable Mention for Architectural Buildings & Cityscape
4. Minimalist Photography Awards 2021 - Architecture Honorable Mentions
1. PX3 Honorable Mention for Architectural Interior Category
2. ND Awards Honorable Mention for Architectural Interior Category
3. IPA Honorable Mention for Non-professional Architecture - Bridges
1. IPA Architecture - Interior and Buildings Category Non-Professional Honorable Mention
2. 14th Black and White Spider Awards - Architectural Amateur Nominee
1. IPA Architecture - Buildings Category Non-Professional Honorable Mention & Cityscapes/urban Category Non-Professional Honorable Mention
2. Epson Pano Awards Amateur Category - Bronze Award
3. TIFA (Tokyo International Foto Awards) - Architectural-Industrial Category Bronze
4. 13th Black and White Spider Awards - Architectural Amateur Nominee
1. IPA Buildings category Non-Professional Honorable Mention
2. 12th Black and White Spider Awards - Architectural Amateur Nominee
1. PX3 Fine Art Non-Professional Honourable Mention
2. IPA Honorable Mention
3. Epson Pano Bronze Award in Open Built Environment Category
4. 10th Annual Black and White Spider Award - amateur architecture nominee
1. PX3 Fine Art Non-Professional Silver Award Manhattan Skyline
2. Epson Pano Bronze Awards Amateur Competition No.37 in The Built Environment Category
3. 9th Annual Black and White Spider Award - amateur architecture nominee
PX3 =Prix de la Photographie Paris
IPA = International Photography Awards
TIFA = Tokyo International Foto Awards
BNW Minimalist Photography Prize Annual Book 2024
B&W Minimalism Magazine - Issue 36 2022 & Issue 28 2021
- Camerapixo FineArt Issue No.2 - Landscape | Nature | Architecture 2015
- Camerapixo FineArt Issue No.3 - Urban Nature 2015
- Camerapixo FineArt Hot Shot 22 We Inspire Summer Edition 2017